TB 43-0209
f. Examples of such markings follow:
(1) Gasoline (number) grade
(2) Oil (number) grade
(3) Water alcohol
(4) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
Where available and certified, the capacity of tank
compartments in gallons will be marked below and to the
right of the cupola covers: "( ) Gals Cap" in 2-inch letters
and numerals.
a. The prescribed vehicle tire pressure will be
marked on the dash of all motor vehicles and pneumatic-
tired equipment. This marking will also be applied to the
fenders above each wheel or, if fenders are not used, to
the body or frame immediately above each wheel. On
towed vehicles or equipment, this marking will be applied
to the body or frame immediately above each wheel. On
tandem axle vehicles, the marking will be centered
between the two wheel sets.
(1) The markings will consist of the numerals
representing the proper pressures, preceded by the
letters TP.
(2) Letters and numerals will be 1 inch high
and in the same color as the unit markings.
b. When maximum speed is specified by a
manufacturer, or in an applicable technical manual, and
when appropriate operation plates are not available, the
maximum speed of the vehicle in its highest range and
gear ratio will be marked on the dash.
(1) The marking will consist of the numerals
representing maximum speed, preceded by the
abbreviation "Max Speed."
(2) Letters and numerals will be 1 inch high
and in the same color as the unit markings.
c. All vehicles and equipment processed with
special arctic lubricants, and/or other materials for
operation in cold climates, will be marked with a
temporary marking as follows:
(1) The words "Arctic Lubricated" will be
Figure 16. Hardtop vehicle with explosive ordnance
marked in the following order of preference:
disposal marking.
(a) Adjacent to the name or identification plate.
(b) On other conspicuous location in order that the
(3) The marking will be kept in a legible
markings may be readily seen prior to operation or use.
condition until the vehicle or equipment is deprocessed,
Specific locations may be prescribed in applicable
and will then be thoroughly removed.
technical publications for the vehicle or equipment.
d. All tactical use wheeled vehicles which are
(2) Letters of the marking will be 1 inch high
equipped with an engine hood safety hook will be
and in the same color as the unit markings.
marked with the words "Warning: Secure Hood in
Raised Position with Safety Hook Before Servicing