TB 43-0213
Material Pumps (Typical).
with the cylinder end immersed in the rustproofing
material. The air regulator and pressure gage most often
a. Pumps used in the application of rustproofing
attaches directly into the motor lead. The regulator
material are high pressure, air driven motors that mount
controls the air pressure going into the pump, thereby
directly onto the rustproofing material drum, A
also controlling the pump speed.
complete unit consists of the air motor or pump itself as
well as attaching air regulator, pressure gage, in-line air
filters, a bleed-type master air valve, material filter, and
grounding log.
All material pump air lines must be purged
b, Commercial literature is available upon request
of air pressure after operation. Failure to do
from each of the supplies of material pumps listed in
so could cause the pump to cycle unexpect-
Table 3-2, CPC officers will benefit from this literature
edly. Serious material injection injury could
when determining which pump best suits their
operation. This literature also provides specific
illustrates a typical material pump, This figure is
d. To ensure the safe operation of the pump, an air
representative only and is not intended to endorse one
bleed valve must be installed to purge the system of
product or supplier over another.
pressurized air after operation. This bleed valve may be
c. The air motor pump consists of the air motor and
built into the air regulator and gage, or may be a
piston cylinder. The assembly rests on a drum topped
separate item, depending on the supplier.
Figure 3-4. Pump Motor Assembly (Typical).