TB 43-0213
a. Ensure that inside portion of loop is even and flush. Mark and punch a 1/4~-inch hole in the center of the l-inch
portion and punch through to the 9-inch portion. Follow the procedure for the large loop end as well.
b. Drill two 1/4~-inch holes in the 9-inch metal plate 3/8 inches from the ends.
Assembly Instructions.
a. Position metal plate in 9-inch strapping so that all holes a line. Use a hand pop-rivet tool to rivet the scraper
with 1/4-inch rivets.
b. Wrap center portion of looped scraper with 9-inch wide brown paper until it will provide a tight fit for the
rubber tubing.
c. Place split rubber tubing over center portion of looped scraper.
d. Continue to shape loop ends to desired form.