TB 43-0213
Materials Required.
a. 24 inches of metal pallet strapping.
b. 9-inch piece of 1/8 by 7/8~inch steel plate.
c. Two 1/4~-inch rivets.
d. Brown paper.
e. 9-inch piece of split rubber tubing.
Bending Procedures.
a. Marking. Mark one end of 24-inch strapping "small loop or A. Mark the other end "large loop or B".
b. Bending Loops (see Figure E-2).
(1 Measure and mark a line 1inch from the
end marked "small loop or A". Measure and mark
another line 5 inches from the first mark. Place a
screwdriver shaft over the 1-inch mark and bend the
l-inch portion to a 90 degree angle. Use the same
technique to bend the 5-inch portion to a 90 degree
angle from the remaining strap.
(2) Measure and mark a line 1 inch from the
end of strapping marked "large loop or B". Measure
and mark another line 8 inches from the first mark.
Use a screwdriver shaft to bend to 90 degree angles as
in step (1) above.
Figure E-2. Bending Loops.
c. Shaping Loops (see Figure E-3). Bring folds A
and B together on "small loop or A" end. After shaping
loop to desired form, secure attaching ends of loop in a
suitable vise or tape ends together until ready for
drilling. Follow this procedure for "large loop or B" end
as well.
Figure E-3. Shaping Loops.