TM 43-0139
Level II Inspection Completion. This level of CPP inspection is complete when each view of the item is inspected
in this manner, and when inspector has witnessed and accepted all corrections.
This level of inspection entails contrasting actual versus nominal dimensions of the CPP. Specifically, the inspector
verifies that all black disruptive bands were applied within + 1 inch of the location specified on the worksheet. Reference
points are used to make these measurements. At least one point on each boundary of the black bands must be
measured from a nearby reference point. Inspections, however, are not limited to one point per border, nor to the
reference points indicated on the worksheet.
Reference Points (RPs). RPs are denoted on inspection worksheets (figure 4-4) by small circles (o). They are
usually (not always) located at the intersection of two physical line features, such as the corner of a door.
Deltas. Deltas are denoted by triangles (A) on the inspection worksheets (figure 4-4). They are reference points
which are located within an inch radius of a black band border.
Locating Dimensions (LDs). The LD is the horizontal distance between a reference point and a black band
border. The LD must be within + 1 inch of the dimension specified on the inspection worksheet (figure 4-4).
Bandwidths (BWs). The BW is the distance between a point on one border of a black band and a point on a
different border of the same band. Like the LDs, actual BWs must be within + 1 inch of those specified on the inspection
Level III Inspection Procedure. The simplest way to inspect the CPP at this level is to check each delta, LD and
BW indicated on the worksheet.
Deltas. A delta on the worksheet (figure 4-4) is indicated by a small triangle. Check these as follows:
Locate delta on worksheet. Some physical equipment feature, such as the top of a door handle or a
panel corner, should intersect a black band border within ± 1 inch.
Go to equipment being inspected, and locate this feature.
On the applied CPP, locate the corresponding black band border, and using the overspray gauge,
find the actual border line, marking the notches with chalk or soapstone (para 4-13d(2)).
Use a ruler to determine whether any point on the actual border line is within a 1 inch radius of the
actual physical feature.
If no point on the border line is within this radius, a level III failure must be documented. As with level
II failures, the failure location on the applied CPP should be marked with chalk or soapstone, and the failure should also
be recorded on the worksheet. A notebook entry and detailed report to painter, as with level II failures, should also be
made. The inspector must guide, witness and accept corrections of failures. Follow documentation procedure in para 4-
LDs. A LD on the inspection worksheet (figure 4-4) is a dimension (in inches) with arrows and lines from a
RP, denoted by a small circle, to a point on a black band border. Check LDs as follows:
Locate LD on worksheet. Note the RP and the point on the black band border.
Go to equipment, and locate the equipment feature which corresponds to the RP on the worksheet.
On the applied CPP, locate the corresponding black band border.