TM 5-3655-210-12
Do not mix military batteries and maintenance-free batteries.
Under charge or over charge will result.
the battery holder with the negative (-) terminals (1) on each battery
nearest the rear of the unit.
Place the two hold-down bars (9) in position on the
holddown rods (10) and secure with the four flat washers (11) and nuts
Position the connector lead (4) with one end on the
positive (+) terminal of one battery and the other end on the negative
terminal of the other battery.
Place the ground lead (2) on the negative terminal
(1) nearest the side wall and the solenoid lead cable (7) on the positive
terminal (5) of the other battery.
Secure the cables to the four terminals with the
four nuts (6).
Use an electrolyte with a specific gravity of 1.280. Do not use
tropical electrolyte, which will reduce battery reserve capacity.
Remove the twelve cell caps from the batteries
and add the electrolyte to each of the cells. Electrolyte must cover the
plates by at least 1/4 inch (.635 cm).
1. Landing jack brace,
Do not overfill the batteries or splash electrolyte as it is an acid
mounting bracket
Landing jack brace
and can cause personal injury.
2. Capscrew
Replace the twelve cell caps and wash off any
3. Packing boxes
acid that may have spilled.
Removal of Protective Material and Devices. All the
Figure 4-2. Electrolyte and batteries stored for shipment.
exterior trailer lights and reflectors, and the rear window in the power
compartment are covered with masking tape. Remove the tape carefully.
required to complete an operational end item. This table does not
Remove the strap securing the rear door.
constitute authority for requisitioning purposes.
For requisitioning
Services for Cold Weather Operation. Refer to LO 5-
authority, refer to TM 5-3655-210-201 (when printed). The batteries are
shipped dry charged. The batteries and electrolyte are packed in
separate containers and stored in packing boxes secured in the storage
Table 4-2. Military Antifreeze Materials Used with Unit.
compartment (fig. 4-2).
boxes and attached to the landing jack braces (5).
Remove the band (4) holding the boxes (3)
Remove the boxes from the storage compartment.
Open the boxes and lift out the batteries and electrolyte containers.
This fluid is used full strength to transfer heat from the
conversion heater to the solid carbon dioxide in the conversion
pressure vessel during conversion cycle of the unit. This fluid
is used at all ambient temperatures, due to the extreme cold of
the solid carbon dioxide being converted to liquid. Under no
circumstances is this fluid to be diluted with water or any other
substance. In this manual, references to 'heater fluid' refer to
MIL-A-11755C Arctic Type Antifreeze.
Change 1 4-3