TM 9-2510-247-13&P
Put transmissions in neutral on towed equipment.
Make sure gun turrets or other rotating parts are properly secured.
Make sure all BII items are properly stowed on the fifth wheel
towing device. Remote shoud be stored with control switches t
oward the top of the tool box.
Check the prime mover and the fifth wheel towing device brakes
and lights for proper operation.
Check all tiedowns at first opportunity after departure. Recheck
all tiedowns at halts and any time you suspect a problem
Safety chains should be installed at a 45 angle to prevent shifting.
Failure to comply with these warnings may result in serious injury
or death.
Tighten chains using the load binders.
Attach load binders so that a downward motion of the handle tightens
and an upward motion loosens the load binder. Lock handle in up position.
Secure excess chain to the tension-bearing part of the chain.
Additional chains may be needed for heavier equipment.
1. Lift cam lever (1) on tire stop. Lift end of tire stop and adjust to nearest 1/2 hole (2) so wheel
is showing. Lower cam lever (1) and lock position.
2. Repeat step 1 for remaining tire stop assembly.
3. Position safety chain (3) around axle (4) over boom (5) under tire stop (6), and through
D-ring (7) or tiedown bracket (8).
Figure 54. Tire Stop and Tie Down Examples
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