TM 9--2520--215--340080 00--2OIL PRESSURE READINGS AND FUNCTIONAL TEST (TRANSMISSIONINSTALLED ON TEST STAND) – CONTINUED0080 00OIL PRESSURE READINGS – Continued1. Check transmission oil level (LO 9--2350--256--12 or TM 9--2350--292--10). Add or drain oil as required toestablish correct oil level.2. With shift selector control in neutral position start engine and allow transmission to run until normal operatingtemperature (approximately 200 degrees F on the XT--1410--4 or 160--260 degrees F for the XT--1410--5A) isreached.CAUTIONDo not exceed 1020 rpm during reverse range operation.3. During warm--up, input speed should be approximately 980 to 1020 rpm. Shift through all ranges several times toensure that hydraulic system is completely charged. Reduce input speed while making shifts from forward toreverse range or from reverse to forward range.4. While operating transmission during warm--up period, inspect transmission thoroughly for evidence of oil leakageat all split lines and around all plugs and bolts. If leakage is present, check plugs and bolts for tightness. Ifleakage continues, replace gaskets where required. Leakage of oil, in many cases, can cause faulty operation oftransmission.5. Illustration in this work package shows oil pressure checkpoints, breather, manifold vacuum connections and oilcooler connections. Pressure gauges used during tests should be connected as follows:a Gauge 0.0 to 60 psi – Check points 6 and 8.b Gauge 0.0 to 120 psi – Check point 4.c Gauge 0.0 to 200 psi – Check points 3, 5, 15, and 16.d Gauge 0.0 to 400 psi – Check points 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.NOTEGauge 0.0 to 200 psi may be installed at checkpoints 10 or 12. Gauge 0.0 to 300 psi may beinstalled at checkpoints 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 16.
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