TM 9--2520--215--34
0018 00--3
0018 00
Casting, Forging, Machined Surfaces
Inspect all castings and forgings for breakes, cracks and wear or scoring that would impair serviceability. Remove
nicks and small surface irregularities with crocus cloth (item 23, WP 0085 00) or a soft stone.
Inspect all oil passages for obstructions and dirt. Reclean passages if necessary.
Inspect mounting fares for nicks, scratches and scores. Remove minor defects with crocus cloth (item 23,
WP 0085 00) or a soft stone. Replace any parts in which defects, which cannot be corrected, will impair the opera-
tion of the transmission.
A new tap will cut oversize threads. If threads are stripped, discard the part unless it can be
repaired satisfactorily by installing an insert.
Inspect threaded openings for damaged threads. Chase damaged threads with used tap of correct size.
Replace housings or other cast parts that are cracked or broken.
Roller or Ball Bearing
Refer to TM 9--214 for proper cleaning and inspection procedures.
Needle--Type Roller Bearing
Do not remove needle bearing unless replacement is necessary. Removal usually results in
the destruction of the bearing.
Inspect the bearing for free and smooth reaction, broken or missing rollers and tightness of fit in bore. If defects are
found, replace the bearing using the proper replacement.
Bushings, Bushing--Type Bearings and Thrust Washers
Do not remove bushings and bushing--type bearings unless replacement is necessary.
Removal usually damages these parts.
Inspect bushing and bushing type bearing for size, scoring and out--of--roundness. Deeply scored for worn
parts should be discarded.
If it is necessary to cut out a bushing, do not damage the bore into which it fits.
Remove bushings and bushing--type bearings by using a puller or a press when possible. Bushings in blind
holes may require removal by sawing or using a narrow cape chisel.
Inspect thrust washers for wear, distortion, scores and burrs. Replace parts that are worn, scored, or de-