the temperature of the compressed air in the line is likely
The oil and water extractor should not be mounted
to be lowest.
Air lines must be properly drained
The temperature of air is greatly increased during
Pitch all air Iines back towards the compressor so that
compression As the air cools down to room temperature,
condensed moisture will flow back into the air receiver
in the air line, on its way to the spray gun, the moisture
where it can be drained off. Each low point in an air line
contained in it condenses.
Thus, for maximum
acts as a water trap. Such points should be fitted with an
effectiveness, the oil and water extractor should be
easily accessible drain. See diagram above.
mounted at some point in the air supply system where
oil and water extra
is important
Achieving a fine spray finish without the use of a good oil
and water extractor is virtually impossible.
Regulator/Extractor serves a double purpose.
eliminates blistering and spotting by keeping air free of
oil and water, and It gives precise air pressure control at
the gun.
See above regarding installation of extractors.