TB 43-0147
Table 3-4. Vehicles - Continued
Equipment and markings
Semigloss gray 26492
National symbol (5 pointed star).
Star will be 3" measured from point
Star will be applied at time of
to point. lusterless black 37038.
manufacture or by depots only when
material is specifically designated for issue
to US Army units.
a. Tactical and combat vehicles and
Lusterless black 37038.
One each, centered on front and rear,
related equipment, including
of any suitable vertical or near
support and special purpose
vertical surface such as bumpers
vehicles in CONUS and overseas.
and tailgates, where it will not be obscured
by canvas items, gasoline cans, pioneer
tools or other objects. Normally, stars will
not be applied to ambulances or other
medical service vehicles affected by
international agreement or to ground
support equipment at Army airfields in
b. Mounted equipment
Lusterless black 37038.
Only where there is no more suitable surface on
the vehicle.
a. Markings will be in uniform Gothic
Unit identification (abbreviations
Lusterless black 37038
representing the complete
style letters; the numeral to be
identification of the unit to which
the largest size practical to use in
the vehicle or equipment is'
available space, but not to exceed
assigned). Specific abbreviations
4 inches in height.
to be used, and methods of application are
prescribed by applicable DA technical
b. Normally they will appear on both front and
rear of each item of equipment. usually on
the bumpers when so equipped. "Where a
more suitable surface is available, such
surface may be used provided that the
location is not in conflict with the location of
other prescribed markings.
Where a
suitable surface is not available on the front
or rear of an item of equipment, they will be
applied in an appropriate location on the
side of the item.
c. They will be applied to vehicles and
equipment by the organization to which
material is assigned.
They will be
maintained on vehicles and equipment at all
times but will be removed when the item is
permanently transferred from the operating
d. When directed by the responsible
commander for security purposes, the first
two categories of markings (a and b of
footnote) will be thoroughly removed from
all vehicles and equipment being shipped
with units from CONUS to oversea
commands. To insure effective removal,
the original figures must be physically
erased rather than painted over.
See footnote at end of table.