TB 43-0147
Table 3-4. Vehicles - Continued
Equipment and markings
Mounted equipment
Same as above.
May be applied when necessary.
Weight classification for bridge
Black numerals on a yellow circular
On the front of applicable self-
crossing. (For weight classification
background 9 inches in diameter.
propelled vehicles.
numbers see FM 5-36).
When towing another vehicle, the
weight classification number of the
combination will be shown with the letter
"C" red above the number.
a. All vehicles with a gross weight
On vehicles painted in gloss colors,
of over 3 tons; all trailers with a rated pay-
use gloss yellow 13538, gloss black
load of 1-1/2 tons and over.
17011P. and gloss red 11136.
vehicles painted in semigloss or
lusterless colors use lusterless yellow
33538, gloss black 17038 and gloss red
The gross weight classification of the
Combination vehicles.
Black numerals on a yellow circular
background 6 inches in diameter.
Prime mover alone and of the
Color numbers same as above
towed vehicle alone will be marked on the
right side of the respective vehicle.
c. Current policy on color of weight
On vehicles painted lusterless colors,
classification markings on camouflage
in accordance with camouflage policy,
painted vehicles is as follows:
weight classification numbers (3 inch
high) will be painted to lusterless black
directly onto camouflage pattern. For
camouflage purpose, marking maybe
lusterless black 37038 on lusterless
forrest green background.
13. Safety.
Alternate gloss yellow 13655 and gloss
Normally, stripes are applied only to
a. Stripes (vehicles and equipment in
black 17038 stripes in accordance with
the rear, but they may also be applied
nontactical use, which because of
to the front and certain side surfaces when
size, construction, or function
the conditions so warrant.
present a possible hazard).
Lusterless Black 37038. The word
On both sides and rear of body. "NO
50 FEET" - vehicles used for bulk
"FLAMMABLE in 6-inch letters; the
transportation of gasoline, fuel oil, or
words "No SMOKING WITHIN 50 FEET" in
placed on a line below the word
other flammable liquids by Army units
3-inch letters.
subject to the Army camouflage policy.
When vehicle is commonly used on public
On both sides and rear of body. "NO
50 FEET" - vehicles used for bulk
highways in C0NUS, Title 49 Spec.
transportation of gasoline, fuel
177.823, Code of Federal Regulation
placed on a line below the word
oil, or other flammable liquids by
(49 CYR 177.823) requires 6-inch block
Army units not subject to the Amry
letters for word "FLAMMABLE" and 3-inch
Vehicles used infrequently on public
camouflage policy or in nontactical
block letters for "NO SMOKING WITHIN 50
highways must employ removable or re-
FEET. Letters shall be Gloss Red
versible signs which are securely
11105 or 11136 on a Gloss White 7875
fastened while in use. These safety
background. (Ref. 49 CFR 172.542 for
markings will be applied upon receipt
specifications and AR 55-355 for
by the using service.
example of placards).
GALS CAP." Fuel oil dispensing
On side of tank near each .manhold cover.
vehicles and equipment used for
In addition, type of fuel or oil by
serving aircraft.
military designation will be marked nearby.
other dangerous articles).
(1) Over public highways.
Placards will be used in accordance with
applicable DOT regulations and AR 55-355.
(2) Training areas.
Placards will be used in accordance with
applicable DOT regulations and AR 385-63.
e. Reflective markings (vehicles
As in TM 55-1500-204-25/1
and ground support equipment used on
airfield flight lines)
f. Flags (all vehicles not painted in
Vehicles will bear a distinctive flag
accordance with items 2 and 19
whenever operating on landing
listed under equipment of this
areas, runways, taxiways, or
table and c above.
Peripheral roads at airfields. The flag will
be square at least 3 feet on each side and
will be divided into 9 equal size squares
forming a checkerboard pattern with
Change 2 3-15