TB 43-0147
Table 3-4. Vehicles--Continued
These markings are divided into four elements arranged from left to right, as follows:
a. Major Command, Organization, or Activity. The major headquarters having jurisdiction over the vehicle or
equipment normally not lower than a division, brigade, group, or major subordinate command.
b. Intermediate Organization or Activity. The next lower headquarters having jurisdiction over the vehicle or
equipment normally the headquarters above the unit to which the vehicle or equipment is assigned. This includes
regiments separate battalions. installations. and separate companies or attachments not assigned to an intermediate
c. Unit or Activity. The lowest unit or activity to which the vehicle is assigned normally a company type unit.
This space may be used to identify the type of separate company or detachment already identified above.
d. Vehicle or Equipment Number. The sequence number of the vehicle or equipment in the normal order of
march within the unit to which it is assigned
Equipment and markings
1. Photographic and audiovisual.
Lusterless forest green or lusterless
Exterior surface.
black 37038 as appropriate.
2. Tactical communications.
Lusterless forest green.
3. Avionics.
Same as above.
4. Meterological.
Same as above.
5. Radiac.
Same as above.
6. Marine communication and electronics
Same as above, except as noted in 16
7. Antenna towers for use under nontactical
Alternating bands of gloss orange
As specified in DOT's
12197 and gloss white 17875, with
AC/746-1, the bands
the band at each end colored
should be of equal width with each
band being approximately one-seventh the
height of the tower, provided that each band
will have a width not more than 40 feet nor
less than 1-1/2 feet.
8. Armed Forces Radio and
Lusterless forest green or lusterless
Television Network.
gray 36138.
Lusterless forest green or lusterless
white 37875.
Automatic data processing.
Lusterless forest green or lusterless
gray 36118.
Ground controlled approach
(GCA) radar equipment used at
Army airfields.
a. Tactical equipment by TA/TOE
Lusterless forest green including wave
forest green nonconductive paint
conforming to MIL-E-46839.
b. Equipment authorized for
In accordance with Federal Aviation
CONUS- Army airfields by TA.
Administration Technical Standards
Order, TSO. N26.
Communications equipment installed at
Lusterless forest green or lusterless
fixed facilities, such as radio station
gray 36118.
equipment, telephone control office sets.
Electronics test equipment
Semigloss gray 26307.
COMSEC (FSN 5810) and cryptological
See TB SIG 351.
equipment (FSN 5811).
See AR 381-143.
Antenna or radiating elements, antenna
Will not be painted unless special
approval is obtained from ECOM
Enamel Alkyd, Camouflage,
Exterior surfaces
Specification MIL-E-52798.
Semigloss green 24410.
Interior surfaces: wall, ceilings, doors
and fittings.
Communications-electronics equipment already in use, or that purchased as a nonmilitary item direct from
commercial stock need not be repainted in accordance with this table if the color does not adversely affect equipment
operation or the tactical situation. This will hold true particularly in the case of equipment that is housed in shelter aircraft
vehicles or vessels.