TB 43-0213
(3) Another type is the flexible wand (see
Figure 3-16, A). This wand is 72 inches (182.9 cm)
Ensure that the orifice is positioned
long, and is used primarily for fog spraying rocker
properly, especially in a 90 degree spray
panels and enclosed curved sections.
tool, otherwise the results will be a thin line
of material instead of a complete sweeping
(4) The rigid spray wand is 60 inches
(152.4 cm) long, and is used for spraying door panels
and other enclosed body areas (see Figure 3-16, B).
f. The correct position of the orifice in a 90 degree
orifice on the straight spray tool should be lined up with
the directional handle of the tool itself.
Figure 3-16, Wands, Flexible/Rigid.
(5) The flat fan spray extension is an
of the slight bend and size, the handling of this
equipment is less difficult that the rigid straight tube
type; it can get into areas that other wands cannot.
Figure 3-18. Positioning Orifice.
Figure 3-17. Wand Extensions.
d. In order to deliver the correct spray pattern, the
orifice in each tool must be properly installed (see
e. A carbide orifice is designed to deliver a fan-type
Figure 3-19. Spray Patterns.