TB 43-0213
Rustproofing Weapon Station Tray Assembly
20-5. Rustproofing Inspection.
(Topside) (M996, M1036, M1046, M1025, M1026,
a. Check the vehicle to ensure that all areas
requiring rustproofing compound have been
(1). Insert flexible tool into holes A, B, C, D
properly and completely covered.
and E. Spray in all directions while slowly
withdrawing tool,
(1) Check seams, welds, corners and
boxed areas to ensure they are adequately
(2) Check wet film thickness with a wet
A wet
film thickness of 10 roils is required. In area
where a wet film thickness cannot be obtained or
where wet thickness cannot be measured, inspect
Figure 20-12. Rustproofing Weapon Station Tray
Assembly (Topside) (M996, M1036, M1046, M1025,
M1026, M1043, and M1044 ).
k. Rustproofing Cargo Shell Assemblies (M996,
M1036,M1046, M1025, M1026, M1043 and M1044
Cargo Shell Door Should Be Opened
Figure 20-15. Wet Film Thickness Gage.
(1) Using flexible tool, coat back, side pannels
and all seams of Cargo Shell Mounting
(3) Check all drain holes to ensure that
they are open.
(4) Check all inspection holes and
drilled access holes to ensure that compound
coverage is adequate.
(5) Check vehicle to ensure that no
compound has been applied to
prohibited areas (see
Figure 20-13. flustprooflng Cargo Shell Assemblies
(M996, M1036, M1046, M1025, M1026, M1043, and
M1044 ).
l. Rustproofing Headlight Shield Deflectors see
Plugging of access holes may be delayed
until after vehicle inspection, if inspection
occurs immediately after rustproofing. If
(1). Spray both sides of Headlight Shield
inspection is delayed too long, rustproofing
compound may drip from access holes.
b. Plug access holes.
20-6. Component Installation.
Install all components that were removed
Figure 20-14. Rustproofing Headlight Shield Deflectors