TB 9-2350-368-25
38. Remove two screws, brake stall test tool, and brake connecting link from transmission.
39. Reinstall two transmission screws that were saved during installation of stall test tool.
40. Disconnect engine fuel line quick disconnect halves from powerplant test stand quick disconnect halves.
41. Disconnect alternator, accessory, starter, transmission cables, and STE/ICE harness from powerplant
test stand cables.
42. Disconnect tachometer cable from engine tachometer adapter.
43. Remove wingnut, lockwasher, generator ground lead, and starter ground lead from ground bolt on front
engine mount.
44. Remove two clamps and bleeder hose assembly from elbows on deaeration elbow and thermostat
45. Remove radiator hose assembly and clamps from lower engine tube and radiator.
46 Remove radiator hose assembly and clamps from engine deaeration elbow and radiator.
47. Disconnect two hydraulic quick disconnect couplings on hydraulic tank return hose and hydraulic pump
outlet hose.
48. Remove two screws, nuts, and four washers from engine front mount.
Damaged lifting slings can fail with load. Personnel can be killed
or injured. Inspect all slings before use. Do not use damaged
Hanging loads can kill or injure you. Keep away from hanging
loads and overhead equipment. Keep hands out of area while
powerplant is being lifted for removal or lowered for installation.
49. Attach powerplant sling to lifting brackets and lift powerplant assembly from powerplant test stand.
Have helper assist.
50. Remove powerplant from powerplant test stand and place on blocks or prepare it for work or storage
area. Refer to TM 38-260. Ensure that powerplant is stable before removing sling.