TM 5-3655-210-12
1. Gasoline engine start and stop switches
Space heater
Pressure alarm switch
3. Voltage regulator
Alarm bell
Starting motor
5. Heater switch
Automatic engine control
6. Coolant circulating pump
Pressure control switch
7. Warning light
Automatic-manual engine control switch
8. Heater control plug
9. Heater
10. Tank pressure control switch
Low pressure control switch
11. Limit switch
High pressure control switch
Figure 4-48. DC control wiring schematic
allow operations to resume when the suction pressure
rises to 12 psi (. 8436 kg per sq. cm). Set the discharge
securing the wires to the fuel gage (2) or ammeter (8).
switches (high pressure) (1) to open at 240 psi (16. 872
Remove the wires from the ammeter.
kg per sq. cm) to stop the electric motor or gasoline
(3) Remove the two nuts (3) securing the
engine. The high pressure switches close to resume
clamp (7) and the unit to the control panel (19) and
operation when the pressure drops to 210 psi (14. 763
remove the clamp (7) and ammeter (8).
b. Installation. Reverse removal procedure.
kg per sq. cm). Adjust the switches to the correct
settings as indicated on the dial by using a screw driver
4-48. Automatic Starter Control
on the adjusting screw.
b. Tank Pressure Switch Adjustment. Adjust the
a. Removal.
tank pressure switches (4) by turning the adjusting
(1) Refer to the wiring diagram (fig. 4-56) and
knobs (5 and 6) to the desired setting on the scale. The
tag the wire leads connected to the starter control (9,
correct setting is 305 on the high side (knob 5) and 295
fig. 4-55).
on the low side (knob 6). The pressure switch (8),
(2) Remove the nuts securing the leads to the
connected to the conversion heater, is set at 275 on the
control terminals and remove the leads.
high side and 260 on the low side.
(3) Remove the two nuts (21) and lock
washers (22) securing the control and shock mounts
(20) to the mounting bracket (18) and lift out the control
a. Removal.
and mounts.
(1) Disconnect battery ground lead (2, fig. 4-