TB 43-0213
90 degree long tool as far as possible through the
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool as far as possible
headlamp opening holes on front fenders. Withdraw
into holes A through E in the cargo bed. Spray in all
tool while spraying in all directions. Be sure to coat
directions while slowly withdrawing tool.
between fender reinforcement and fender skin.
(2) Insert short rigid tool into holes A through E
and cover areas that may have been missed by the
90 degree tool.
Figure 5-23. Rustproofing Cargo Bed.
Figure 5-21. Rustproofing Fenders.
k. Rustproofing Rear Body and Tailgate (see Figure
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool in holes A, B, C,
and D in doorjamb and kick-pad areas on the front
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool in taillight lamp
door, and spray in all directions.
opening at the rear of the body as far as possible. Spray
in all directions while slowly withdrawing tool.
(2) Insert 90 degree long tool in holes B and C
in tailgate as far as possible. Spray in all directions while
slowly withdrawing tool.
Figure 5-24. Rustproofing Doorjamb.
(2) Insert 90 degree short tool in kick panel and
vent openings, and spray in all directions.
(3) Spray as much as possible of the doorjamb
and rear of front fenders with short rigid tool.
Figure 5-22. Rustproofing Rear Body
and Tailgate.
(4) Plug holes A, B, C, and D.