TB 43-0213
(1) Check seams, welds, corners, and boxed
areas to ensure that they are adequately coated.
(2) Check wet film thickness with a wet film
of 10 mils is required. In areas where a wet film
thickness of 10 mils cannot be obtained or where
thickness cannot be measured, inspect for complete-
ness of coverage.
Figure 5-28. Rustproofing Rear
Window Frame.
r. Rustproofing Rear and Top
of Door (see
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool in rear of door
holes A and B, and holes in top of door C, D, E, F, and
G as far as possible. Spray in all directions while slowly
withdrawing tool.
Figure 5-30. Film Thickness Gage.
(3) Check all drain holes to ensure that they are
(4) Check all inspection holes and drilled
access holes to ensure that compound coverage is
adequate. Use of a high intensity inspection light will
enhance this process.
(5) Check vehicle to ensure that no compound
has been applied to prohibited areas (see CAUTION,
Figure 5-29. Rustproofing Rear and
Plugging of access holes may be delayed
Top of Door.
until after vehicle inspection, if inspection
occurs immediately after rustproofing. If
(2) Insert short rigid tool in holes C, D, E, F,
inspection is delayed too long, rustproofing
and G in top of door and cover all areas not previously
compound may drip from access holes.
b. Plug access holes.
(3) Plug all holes.
Rustproofing Inspection.
Component Installation.
a. Check the vehicle to ensure that all areas
Install all components that were removed in
requiring rustproofing compound have been properly
and completely coated.
and TM 9-2320-266-34.)