TB 43-0213
(1) Use 90 degree short tool to completely
cover the inside area of the cowl vent.
(2) Use short rigid tool to completely cover the
inside of the cowl. Gain access from under the
instrument panel,
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool into holes A in
the roof panel and spray in all directions.
(2) Use the same tool to completely cover roof
boxed sections.
Insert 90 degree short tool into holes A in door frame
and spray in all directions. Plug all holes.
Figure 18-6. Rustproofing Cowl.
Figure 18-7. Rustproofing Roof.
window up, then insert 90 degree short tool through
existing holes A in inner door panel openings and spray
(2) Use 90 degree short tool to cover all areas
in all directions.
of the underbody that are inaccessible with the short
rigid tool. These areas include the inside of frame
channels and the body perimeter siderails.
i. Rustproofing
(3) Use the same tool to coat entire rear side of
(1) Use short rigid tool to completely coat the
the front bumper.