a. Serve as the Commander's representative to assure the AOAP is implemented within the
equipment unit/organization.
b. Ensure AOAP designated equipment is enrolled in the program and component oil samples
are submitted at the prescribed intervals. Equipment enrolled in the AOAP is listed in
c. Ensure oil samples are dispatched to the laboratory by the most expeditious means on the
same day the sample is taken (do not hold or batch individual samples for long periods of time,
waiting for the organization to take all samples). Oil samples held for long periods of time will
allow the metal content in the oil to settle and may not be detected during some analytical tests.
d. Assure each AOAP sample submitted to the laboratory has a completed Oil Analysis
Request form, DD Form 2026 or DA Form 5991-E, accompanying the oil sample. (See samples
channels or the automated Unit Level Logistics System (ULLS).
e. Ensure information recorded on DD Form 2026 or DA Form 5991-E is complete and
accurate. Incomplete information may cause laboratory tests to be matched to the wrong
component, adversely influence test findings, and may be returned for incomplete information.
f. Assure units are reporting AOAP laboratory recommendations to maintenance personnel.
2-4. Unit Commander. As unit commander, you will be relying heavily on your maintenance
officer and AOAP monitor, so your first job is to ensure you have well-trained personnel in those
slots. Command actions that ensure success:
a. AOAP training is being performed.
b. Adequate samplings supplies are maintained.
c. Samples are taken as scheduled.
d. Samples are being forwarded either by courier or 1st class mail.
e. Prompt/proper action is taken when a report of a potential problem is received.
f. Maintenance feedback is being provided to the laboratory.
g. Proper forms are sent to support maintenance units for equipment being repaired.
2-5. Unit Maintenance Officer.
a. As maintenance officer, ensure your maintenance personnel review and comply with all
AOAP publications and unit standing operating procedures, as they apply to the program.