3-1. Initial Weapon System/Component Enrollment. Enrollment of a weapon system or
component in the AOAP will be recommended by the MACOM commander/materiel developer,
and approved by PM AOAP. Enrollment responsibilities are listed in AR 750-1 and procedures
are outlined in DA Pam 738-750, Functional Users Manual for The Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS) and DA Pam 738-751, Functional Users Manual for The Army
Maintenance Management System-Aviation (TAMMS-A).
3-2. Newly Assigned Equipment. When a unit is assigned an item of equipment already
participating/enrolled in the AOAP and needs to register the equipment with their assigned
AOAP support laboratory, complete an Oil Analysis Request form (DD Form 2026) and indicate
in the `Remarks' block the equipment is a newly assigned piece of equipment.
3-3. Equipment Removal from the AOAP. Equipment will be removed from the AOAP in
accordance with procedures outlined in AR 750-1.
3-4. Enrolled Equipment Transferred. AOAP enrolled equipment is tracked and tested by the
serial number of the tested item and the serial number of the end-item it is installed in. When an
item of equipment is transferred from the unit, ensure the regional AOAP laboratory is notified.