quickly as possible.
b. In the case of normal samples, the DD Form 2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E will be
returned to the unit stamped NORMAL.
c. The laboratory uses this priority sequence for analyzing samples:
d. If sample analysis indicates a problem, the laboratory will request another sample by
telephone or fax and then return the annotated DD Form 2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E.
When an impending failure is indicated, the laboratory will promptly notify the unit. Then they'll
send a DA Form 3254-R in the mail. Units not on the same installation as the laboratory
also receive a priority message as documentation. U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) units receive
a message in DA Form 3254-R format.) NOTE: Priority messages are not needed for
Army Reserve and National Guard nonaeronautical equipment.
e. Units participating in the AOAP are assigned to a specific laboratory by the AOAP Program
Management Office. Laboratory designations will be based on location and
workload of available facilities. Laboratories and areas of support are listed in Section X.
f. Laboratories provide customer/units with available computer generated reports containing
information to assist units to manage internal AOAP operations and show the status of unit
equipment serviced by the laboratory. Customer/units may log on to https://aoapserver.logsa.army.mil
and view and print thier computer generated AOAP reports.
g. Request special samples from the unit when analyses indicate an apparent abnormal
equipment condition, there is an inadequate amount of lubricant to conduct tests, or the source of
the lubricant is suspected to be from a component other than the one identified for testing.