TB 43-0213
3-7. Spray Guns.
b. There are two types of material spray guns
(1) Fogging Gun. The fogging gun connects the
air source directly to the gun along with the rustproofing
material. The pressurized air and material converge
High pressure spray equipment can cause
within the gun where, when the trigger is pulled, they
serious injury or death. Never put hand or
are ejected in a fine mist. This type of rustproofing
fingers over spray tip. Never point spray gun
application is called fogging and is NOT approved for
at another person. Never try to stop or
use by U.S. Army installations.
deflect leaks with your hand. Ensure that all
components of the spray system can
withstand the pressures. Never exceed the
rated pressure of the equipment. Never
alter or modify the equipment. Even after
shut-off, pressures will remain in the
material hose and gun and must be purged
by grounding the gun to a waste container
and triggering the gun. Never change
wands, tips, or any accessories until after
system is completely shut off and purged.
Inspect all parts of the system before use.
Ensure that all fittings are properly installed
and tightened, and that hoses are not frayed
or cracked. If injection injury occurs, even
for a simple cut, get immediate emergency
medical care. Inform emergency physicians
that the material injected into the skin is a
petroleum compound containing aliphatic
petroleum naphtha with an effect similar to
Figure 3-10. Fogging and Airless
Spray Guns.
equipment, refer to U.S. Government
Safety Standards, General Standards Part
Depending on the installation, the spray gun
1910, and U.S. Government Construction
handle may be equipped with a Z swivel to
Standards Part 1926, adopted under the
provide greater maneuverability.
Occupational Safety and Health Act.
(2) Airless Gun. The airless type of spray gun
system uses an air motor pump over the drum as
a. A rustproofing material spray gun is used to
control and direct the spray of the material, or to stop
the spray by releasing the trigger. These spray guns are
out of the pump, through the material filter, and into
the gun is not mixed with air. As a result, the material
used in combination with various wands that permit the
technician to reach out-of-way places and to apply
ejected from the wand end is a pure concentration of
different spray patterns.
rustproofing material.