TM 5-3655-210-12
TS 024502
Figure 2-24 .
Transfer of liquid carbon dioxide from one external
tank to another external tank .
f. Open valves 26 and 27 to bleed off carbon
b. Set the driving unit for manual operation and
dioxide trapped in the liquid fill lines, and disconnect the
c. Set the valves as indicated in Figure 2-25.
hoses. Bleed off the interconnecting vapor line between
the external tanks, and then disconnect the hose.
g. Set the valves for the normal position as
d. Place the cylinder to be filled on the scales (12,
indicated in Figure 2-13. Set the controls for automatic
fig. 2-18) or (12, fig. 2-19), and connect the cylinder
operation, and engage refrigeration clutch (3, fig. 2-3).
filling hose to the cylinder and to valve(l3 or 18, fig.
2-8). A
fiber gasket must be
placed between the hose
Cylinder Filling Operation (Liquid in Both
and cylinder being filled. Record the weight of the
Pressure Vessels)
empty cylinder. Add to this weight, the weight
necessary to fill the cylinder. This figure is the total
a Before performing any steps involving the
weight. Close the cylinder filling valve 17 or 19 on the
filling hose (fig. 2-25) when the scale indicates this
storage tank, purge the cylinders completely to reduce
pressure. Pressurized cylinders will slow up the filling
e. Open valves 12, 13, 14, and 15 (fig. 2-25).
time. Purge the cylinders just prior to the filling, as
When liquid appears at valve 15, close the valve, and
released vapor will cool the cylinder and reduce the
engage the clutch to the cylinder filling compressor (2,
filling time. Difficulty during filling may be experienced
fig. 2-3).
because of water in the cylinder. Open the cylinder
f. Slowly adjust the pressure regulating valve 14
valve, allow the cylinder to warm up and then invert to
(fig. 2-25), until a charging pressure of 600 to 800 psi
remove the water. After all pressure and water are
(42.18 to 56.24 kg per sq cm) is indicated on the
removed, perform the following steps.
pressure gage in cool weather; 800 to 1000 psi (56.24 to
70.3 kg per sq cm) is suitable pressure in hot weather.
However, experience on the part of the