TM 5-3655-210-12
TS 024501
Figure 2-23 .
Transfer of liquid carbon dioxide from the storage
pressure vessel .
2-13. Transfer Of Liquid Carbon Dioxide From
line and vapor equalizing line at the rear of the trailer,
One External Tank Into Another External Tank
and to the receiver unit.
d. Close valves 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 26, and 28. Open
(Liquid In Both Pressure Vessels)
a. Set the driving unit for manual operation, and
the liquid fill and vapor equalizing line valves on the
receiver unit.
e. Open valves 3, 6, 7, 9, and 10. When liquid
b. Set the valves for the normal position as
appears at valve 10, close the valves and engage the
indicated in Figure 2-13 and start the driving unit. Refer
transfer pump clutch. Continue to pump liquid into the
c. Connect the liquid and vapor transfer hoses to
receiver unit until the storage pressure vessel is empty,
or sufficient liquid has been pumped into the receiver
the liquid fill line (5, fig. 2-11) and liquid fill line (pump
by-pass) (3) at the rear of the trailer. Connect one liquid
f. Disengage the clutch to the transfer pump.
fill line to each external tank, and connect the vapor
Close the liquid fill and vapor equalizing line valves on
equalizing line to both external tanks.
d. Close valves 1, 3, 10, 26, and 27 (fig. 2-24).
the receiver unit.
g. Close valve 3, 6, 7, and 9. Open valves 26 and
Open the liquid fill and vapor equalizing line valves oi
28 to bleed off carbon dioxide trapped in the transfer
both external units.
e. Open valves 1, 3, and 10. When liquid appears
hoses, and then disconnect the transfer hoses.
h. Set the valves for the normal position as
at valve 10, close the valves and engage the transfer
indicated in Figure 2-13. Set the controls for automatic
pump clutch (1, fig. 2-3). Continue operation of the
operation, and engage only the refrigeration clutch if
transfer pump until sufficient liquid has been' pumped
liquid remains in the storage pressure vessel.
from one external tank into the other.